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Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(3): e20200145, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1154190


Resumo Objetivo Analisar a oferta dos cursos de graduação em saúde na modalidade de Ensino a Distância no Brasil, destacando suas principais características para Enfermagem. Método Estudo transversal baseado em dados on line de cursos de graduação em saúde a distância, criados entre 2005 e 2020. Para doze graduações em saúde, destacaram-se características da criação e distribuição do ensino a distância, enfatizando-se a situação da Enfermagem. Realizaram-se testes de significância estatística (α=5%) e mapa. Resultados Verificaram-se 431 cursos de graduação em saúde, sendo a maioria deles criados entre 2017 e 2020 (≥61,4%). Para Enfermagem, o período de maior criação foi anterior (entre 2013 e 2016; 72,7%) (p=0,001). Todos os cursos eram vinculados a instituições privadas, que ofertavam 82.000 vagas, distribuídas em 1.363 Polos por todos os estados. Verificou-se predomínio em São Paulo (23,9%) e nas cidades localizadas no interior dos estados (64,3%) (p=0,001). Conclusão e implicações para prática Houve aumento significativo de cursos de graduação em saúde no ensino a distância no Brasil. Para Enfermagem, estes se caracterizaram por oferta privada e localizada no interior dos estados. Contudo, a distribuição regional ainda é desigual, concentrando Polos nas regiões mais ricas e centrais do país, e longe das áreas com maiores necessidades de saúde.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar la oferta de estudios superiores en salud bajo la modalidad de Educación a Distancia en Brasil, destacando sus principales características para Enfermería. Método Estudio transversal a partir de datos en línea de las carreras de grado en salud a distancia, creadas entre 2005 y 2020. Para doce titulaciones de salud se destacaron características de la creación y distribución de la educación a distancia, destacando la situación de Enfermería. Se realizaron pruebas de significación estadística (α = 5%) y mapa. Resultados Se detectaron 431 carreras de grado en salud, la mayoría de las cuales se crearon entre 2017 y 2020 (≥61,4%). Para Enfermería, el período de mayor creación fue anterior (entre 2013 y 2016; 72,7%) (p = 0,001). Todos los cursos estuvieron vinculados a instituciones privadas, que ofrecieron 82.000 plazas, distribuidas en 1.363 centros en todos los estados. Se registró predominio de cursos en São Paulo (23,9%) y en ciudades del interior de los estados (64,3%) (p = 0,001). Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica Se advierte un aumento significativo en los cursos de pregrado en salud en educación a distancia en Brasil. Para Enfermería, estos se caracterizaron por una oferta privada ubicada en el interior de los estados. Sin embargo, la distribución regional sigue siendo desigual, concentrada en las regiones más ricas y céntricas del país, y lejos de las áreas con mayores necesidades de salud.

Abstract Objective To analyze the offer of undergraduate health courses in the Distance Learning modality in Brazil, highlighting its main characteristics for Nursing. Method This is a cross-sectional study based on distance health undergraduate courses online data, created between 2005 and 2020. For twelve health degrees, characteristics of the creation and distribution of distance learning were highlighted, emphasizing Nursing courses. Statistical significance tests (α = 5%) and mapping were performed. Results There were 43 undergraduate courses in health, most of which were created between 2017 and 2020 (≥61.4%). For Nursing, most courses were created in earlier years (2013 and 2016; 72.7%) (p = 0.001). The courses were linked to private institutions, which offered 82,000 seats and are distributed in 1,363 hubs across all states. Courses predominated in São Paulo (23.9%) and non-capital cities (64.3%) (p = 0.001). Conclusion and implications for the practice There has been a significant increase in distance education in Brazil's undergraduate health courses. For Nursing, the courses were characterized by private offers located in non-capital cities. However, the regional distribution is still uneven, concentrating hubs in the country's richest and most central regions and away from areas with the greatest health needs.

Humans , Education, Distance/statistics & numerical data , Education, Nursing , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Education, Distance/economics
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3143, 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134742


RESUMO Esta pesquisa documental objetivou apresentar considerações do cenário da expansão da Educação Física no contexto do ensino superior brasileiro, com foco em seus principaisdesdobramentos para a área. Para tanto, utilizamos dados das Sinopses Estatísticas do Censo de Ensino Superior, que foram interpretados à luz dos conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu e Ulrich Beck. Os resultados indicaram que, no lastro da expansão, ocorreu a criação e abertura de novos cursos de Educação Física, apresentando umincrementobastante considerável(874%), entre 1991-2015. A expansão se deu, especialmente, pelo setor privado, responsável pelo maior crescimento (1.381%). Isso traz à tona efeitos colaterais que têm implicado em um conjunto de desafios para a Educação Física no país.

ABSTRACT This documentary research aimed to present considerations on the scenario of the expansion of Physical Education in the context of Brazilian higher education, focusing, on its main developments for the area. For this, we used data from the Statistical Synopses of the Higher Education Census, which were interpreted in light of the concepts of Pierre Bourdieu and Ulrich Beck. The results indicated that, on the basis of the expansion, there was the creation and opening of new Physical Education courses, presenting a considerable increase (874%),between 1991-2015. The expansion was mainly due to the private sector, which accounted for the highest growth (1,381%). This brings up side effects that have implied a set of challenges forPhysical Education in the country.

Physical Education and Training/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Job Market , Professional Training
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 36(6): e00115320, 2020. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100969


O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a pressão sobre o sistema de saúde no Brasil decorrente da demanda adicional gerada pela COVID-19. Para tanto, foi realizado um conjunto de simulações para estimar a demanda de leitos gerais (microrregiões de saúde), leitos de UTI e equipamentos de ventilação assistida (macrorregiões de saúde) em diferentes cenários, para intensidade (taxas de infecção equivalentes a 0,01, 0,1 e 1 caso por 100 habitantes) e horizontes temporais (1, 3 e 6 meses). Os resultados evidenciam uma situação crítica do sistema para atender essa demanda potencial, uma vez que diversas microrregiões e macrorregiões de saúde operariam além de sua capacidade, comprometendo o atendimento a pacientes principalmente aqueles com sintomas mais severos. O estudo apresenta três mensagens relevantes. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário reduzir a velocidade de propagação da COVID-19 na população brasileira, permitindo um tempo maior para a reorganização da oferta e aliviando a pressão sobre o sistema de saúde. Segundo, é necessário expandir o número de leitos disponíveis. Ainda que o setor privado contribua para amortecer o déficit de demanda, a oferta conjunta dos dois setores não seria suficiente em várias macrorregiões. A construção de hospitais de campanha é importante, tanto em locais onde historicamente há vazios assistenciais como também naqueles onde já se observa uma pressão do lado da demanda. A terceira mensagem diz respeito à organização regionalizada dos serviços de saúde que, apesar de adequada em situações de demanda usual, em momentos de pandemia este desenho implica desafios adicionais, especialmente se a distância que o paciente tiver de percorrer for muito grande.

El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la presión sobre el sistema de salud brasileño, ocasionada por la demanda adicional de camas hospitalarias y equipos de ventilación mecánica, generada por el COVID-19. Para tal fin, se realizó un conjunto de simulaciones, con el fin de estimar la demanda de camas generales (microrregiones de salud), camas de UTI y equipamientos de ventilación asistida (macrorregiones de salud) en diferentes escenarios, según la intensidad (tasas de infección equivalentes a 0,01, 0,1 y 1 caso por 100 habitantes) y horizontes temporales (1, 3 y 6 meses). Los resultados evidencian una situación crítica del sistema para atender esa demanda potencial, ya que diversas microrregiones y macrorregiones de salud operarían más allá de su capacidad, comprometiendo la atención a pacientes principalmente aquellos con los síntomas más graves. El estudio presenta tres mensajes relevantes. En primer lugar, es necesario reducir la velocidad de propagación del COVID-19 en la población brasileña, permitiendo un tiempo mayor para la reorganización de la oferta y aliviando la presión sobre el sistema de salud. En segundo lugar, es necesario expandir el número de camas disponibles. A pesar de que el sector privado contribuya a amortiguar el déficit de demanda, la oferta conjunta de los dos sectores no sería suficiente en varias macrorregiones. La construcción de hospitales de campaña es importante, tanto en lugares donde históricamente existen lagunas asistenciales, como también en aquellos donde ya se observa una presión por parte de la demanda. El tercer mensaje se refiere a la organización por regiones de los servicios de salud que, a pesar de ser adecuada en situaciones de demanda habitual, en momentos de pandemia, este diseño implica desafíos adicionales, especialmente si la distancia que el paciente tuviera que recorrer fuera muy lejana.

This study aims to analyze the pressure on the Brazilian health system from the additional demand created by COVID-19. The authors performed a series of simulations to estimate the demand for hospital beds (health micro-regions) as well as to ICU beds, and mechanical ventilators (health macro-regions) under different scenarios of intensity (infection rates equivalent to 0.01, 0.1, and 1 case por 100 inhabitants) and time horizons (1, 3, and 6 months). The results reveal a critical situation in the system for meeting this potential demand, with numerous health micro-regions and macro-regions operating beyond their capacity, compromising the care for patients, especially those with more severe symptoms. The study presents three relevant messages. First, it is necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the Brazilian population, allowing more time for the reorganization of the supply and relieve the pressure on the health system. Second, the expansion of the number of available beds will be the key. Even if the private sector helps offset the deficit, the combined supply from the two sectors (public and private) would be insufficient in various macro-regions. The construction of field hospitals is important, both in places with a history of "hospital deserts" and in those already pressured by demand. The third message involves the regionalized organization of health services, whose design may be adequate in situations of routine demand, but which suffer additional challenges during pandemics, especially if patients have to travel long distances to receive care.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Ventilators, Mechanical/supply & distribution , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Betacoronavirus , Health Services Needs and Demand/statistics & numerical data , Hospital Bed Capacity/statistics & numerical data , Intensive Care Units/supply & distribution , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Brazil/epidemiology , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics/prevention & control , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(6): 461-467, dic. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056754


El tratamiento del síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) puede diferir segó;ºn la cobertura de salud. El objetivo fue comparar características demográficas de pacientes con SCA atendidos en instituciones del sector pó;ºblico, o en el no-pó;ºblico de Argentina, las terapó;©uticas y su relació;n con los recursos de cada sector. Analizamos internaciones en instituciones de un registro nacional, voluntario, prospectivo y multicó;©ntrico. Entre marzo 2006 y mayo 2016 ingresaron 11 072 SCA en 64 instituciones, 39% pó;ºblicas (44% con laboratorio de hemodinamia) y 61% no pó;ºblicas (82% con hemodinamia). Los centros pó;ºblicos presentaron menos estructura y atendieron mayor proporció;n de SCA con elevació;n del segmento ST (SCACEST) (52.5% vs. 36.1%, p < 0.001). Los pacientes del sector pó;ºblico fueron más jó;venes, más frecuentemente hombres, fumadores, y menos dislipó;©micos. La proporció;n de reperfundidos entre SCA con elevació;n del ST (SCACEST) fue similar en ambos sectores. La utilizació;n de coronariografía en SCA sin elevació;n del ST (SCASEST) fue mayor en el sector pó;ºblico, cuyos pacientes presentaron más frecuentemente cambios electrocardiográficos y biomarcadores elevados. Un 80.2% de los SCA en instituciones pó;ºblicas y 90.1% en las no pó;ºblicas fueron incorporados por centros con hemodinamia. La disponibilidad de hemodinamia fue la variable más asociada a reperfusió;n entre SCACEST y al tratamiento invasivo entre SCASEST. Se demuestra la complejidad del análisis comparativo de sectores de salud, por la relevancia que adquieren los recursos instalados y las diferencias demográficas de la població;n, por encima de la simple diferencia de pertenecer al sistema pó;ºblico o al no pó;ºblico.

Treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) may differ according to the health system coverage. The objective of this study was to evaluate demographic characteristics of patients with ACS assisted in public sector institutions compared to the non-public sector of Argentina, as well as the therapeutic and its relationship with the resources of each sector. We analyzed patients hospitalized in institutions of a national, voluntary, prospective and multicenter registry. Between March 2006 and May 2016, 11 072 ACSs were registered in 64 institutions, 39% public (44% have hemodynamic laboratory) and 61% non-public (82% with hemodynamic). Public centers presented less structure and assisted a higher proportion of ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (STE-ACS). (52.5% vs. 36.1%, p < 0.001). Public sector patients were younger, more frequently men, smokers, and less dyslipemics. The proportion of patients reperfused in the STE-ACS was similar in both sectors. The use of coronary angiography in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) was higher in the public sector, whose patients presented more frequently electrocardiographic changes and biomarker elevation. Considering all ACS, 80.2% of patients in public and 90.1% in non-public institutions were incorporated by haemodynamic centers. The availability of hemodynamics was the variable most associated with reperfusion in NSTE-ACS, and invasive treatment in NSTE-ACS. This research demonstrates the complexity of a comparative analysis of health sectors, due to the relevance acquired by the level of resources installed and the demographic differences of the inpatient population, above the simple difference of belonging to the public or non-public system.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Acute Coronary Syndrome/epidemiology , Health Facilities/statistics & numerical data , Argentina/epidemiology , Smoking/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Coronary Angiography/methods , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Statistics, Nonparametric , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Dyslipidemias/epidemiology , Acute Coronary Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Hemodynamics , Hypertension/epidemiology , Laboratories/statistics & numerical data
Salud pública Méx ; 61(5): 637-647, sep.-oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127327


Abstract: Objectives: This study aimed to compare the performance in the National Assessment for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM in spanish) of private versus public medical schools, geographic regions and socioeconomic levels by using three different statistical methods (summary measurements, the rate of change and the area under the receiver operator characteristics [AUROC]). These methods have not been previously used for the ENARM; however, some variations of the summary measurements have been reported in some USA assessments of medical school graduates. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study based on historical data (2001-2017). We use summary measures and colour-filled map. The statistical analysis included Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman correlation coefficient (Rs), and linear regression. Results: A total of 113 medical schools were included in our analysis; 60 were public and 53 private. We found difference in the median of total scores for type of schools, MD= 54.07 vs. MD= 57.36,p= 0.011. There were also significant differences among geographic and socioeconomic regions (p<0.05). Conclusions: Differences exist in the total scores and percentage of selected test-takers between type of schools, geographic and socioeconomic regions. Higher scores are prevalent in the Northeast and Norwest regions. Additional research is required to identify factors that contribute to these differences. Unsuspected differences in examination scores can be unveiled using summary measures.

Resumen: Objetivo: Comparar el desempeño en el Examen Nacional de Aspirantes a Residencias Médicas (ENARM) de escuelas de medicina privadas y públicas, regiones geográficas y niveles socioeconómicos mediante el uso de tres métodos estadísticos diferentes (medidas de resumen, tasa de cambio y el área bajo las características del operador receptor [AUROC en inglés]). Estos métodos no han sido utilizados previamente para el ENARM; sin embargo, se han informado algunas variaciones de las mediciones de resumen en algunas evaluaciones de graduados de medicina de Estados Unidos. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal basado en datos históricos (2001-2017). Se usaron medidas de resumen y un mapa lleno de color. El análisis estadístico incluyó Mann Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman (Rs). Resultados: Se incluyeron 113 escuelas de medicina en el análisis; 60 eran públicas y 53 privadas. Se encontraron diferencias en la mediana de las puntuaciones totales para el tipo de escuelas, MD= 54.07 vs. MD= 57.36,p= 0.011. También hubo diferencias significativas entre las regiones geográficas y socioeconómicas (p<0.05). Conclusiones: Existen diferencias en los puntajes totales y el porcentaje de examinados seleccionados entre el tipo de escuelas, regiones geográficas y socioeconómicas. Las puntuaciones más altas prevalecen en las regiones noreste y noroeste. Se requieren investigaciones adicionales para identificar los factores que contribuyen a estas diferencias. Las diferencias insospechadas en los puntajes de los exámenes se pueden revelar usando medidas de resumen.

Humans , Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Educational Measurement/statistics & numerical data , Internship and Residency/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Medical/supply & distribution , Socioeconomic Factors , ROC Curve , Statistics, Nonparametric , Area Under Curve , Mexico
Salud pública Méx ; 61(4): 524-531, Jul.-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099329


Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar el posible efecto de los modelos de certificación y de los incentivos implementados en la participación de establecimientos de atención médica (EAM) en la certificación del Consejo de Salubridad General entre 1999-2017. Material y métodos: Se colectaron documentos oficiales, impresos y en línea, sobre la certificación de EAM y se solicitó información a diversas instancias relacionadas mediante mecanismos de transparencia. Se analizó la participación de EAM en los períodos político-administrativos entre 1999-2017. Resultados: El promedio anual de participación entre 1999-2000 fue de 259.5 EAM; entre 2013-2016, de 72.5. La participación de EAM públicos es decreciente. En 2017, los EAM certificados eran <1%. Conclusiones: No se identificaron efectos positivos ni sostenidos de ajustes al modelo, ni de los incentivos implementados. Se observa disminución de la participación en los distintos periodos político-administrativos. Debe evaluarse profundamente el Sistema Nacional de Certificación de EAM y su posible efecto en la calidad clínica.

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the possible effect of certification models and healthcare organizations' (HOs) participation incentives in the General Health Council certification process in the 1999-2017 period. Materials and methods: Official printed and online documents about HOs' certification were collected. Information from instances related to the process was requested through transparency mechanisms. Health organizations' participation in political-administrative periods between 1997-2017 was analyzed. Results: The annual average participation in the certification process during the 1999-2000 period was 259.5 HOs; during the 2013-2016 period, the average was 72.5. Public units' participation in this process has been decreasing. In 2017, certified HO were <1%. Conclusions: No positive effects of adjustments to the certification model or the incentives applied were identified. Conversely, there is decreasing participation in the different political-administrative periods. The National HO Certification System and its possible effect on clinical quality must be thoroughly evaluated.

Certification/standards , Health Facilities/standards , Accreditation/standards , Public Facilities/standards , Public Facilities/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/standards , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Health Facilities/statistics & numerical data , Mexico
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 112(5): 564-570, May 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011185


Abstract Background: Primary angioplasty (PA) with placement of either bare metal or drug-eluting stents (DES) represents the main strategy in the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Diabetic patients, however, represent a special population in STEMI, with high rates of restenosis and unfavorable clinical outcomes, and with the use of DES, level of evidence A and indication class II, being indicated to reduce these damages. Objectives: To evaluate the DES rate of use in patients with STEMI and in the subgroup of diabetics assisted in the public versus private health network in Sergipe. Methods: This is a population-based, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach using the data from the VICTIM Register. These were collected in the only four hospitals with capacity to perform PA in Sergipe, from December 2014 to March 2017. Results: A total of 707 patients diagnosed with STEMI were evaluated, of which 589 were attended at SUS and 118 at the private network. The use of DES in PA was lower in SUS compared to the private network in both the total sample (10.5% vs 82.4%, p<0.001) and in subgroup diabetic patients (8.7% vs 90.6%, p < 0.001), respectively. In all hypotheses tested, the level of significance was 5% (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The study reveals a disparity in the use of DES during the performance of PA between the public and private network, both in the total sample and the subgroup for diabetics, with lower rates for SUS users, demonstrating the challenges that need to be overcome in order to achieve quality improvements of the services provided.

Resumo Fundamento: A angioplastia primária (AP) com colocação de stent, seja ele convencional ou farmacológico, representa a principal estratégia no tratamento do infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAMCSST). Os pacientes diabéticos, entretanto, representam população especial no IAMCSST, com altas taxas de reestenose e desfechos clínicos desfavoráveis, devendo-se indicar o uso de stents farmacológicos (SF), nível de evidência A e classe de indicação II, para redução destes danos. Objetivo: Avaliar a taxa de uso de SF em pacientes com IAMCSST e no subgrupo dos diabéticos assistidos na rede pública versus privada de saúde em Sergipe. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo populacional, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, que utilizou os dados do Registro VICTIM. Estes foram coletados nos quatro únicos hospitais com capacidade para realizar AP em Sergipe, no período de dezembro de 2014 a março de 2017. Em todas as hipóteses testadas, o nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados: Foram avaliados 707 pacientes diagnosticados com IAMCSST, dos quais 589 foram atendidos pelo SUS e 118 pela rede privada. O uso de SF na AP foi menor no SUS em comparação com a rede privada, tanto no total da amostra (10,5% vs 82,4%; p < 0,001) quanto no subgrupo dos pacientes diabéticos (8,7% vs 90,6%; p < 0,001), respectivamente. Conclusões: O estudo revela disparidade no uso de SF durante a realização de AP entre a rede pública e privada, tanto na amostra total quanto no subgrupo dos diabéticos, com menores taxas para usuários do SUS, demonstrando os desafios que necessitam ser vencidos para se atingir melhorias na qualidade dos serviços prestados.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary/methods , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes Complications/prevention & control , Drug-Eluting Stents/statistics & numerical data , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction/therapy , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 37(2): 173-180, Apr.-June 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013294


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare and analyze the consumption of minimally processed and ultra-processed foods among students from public and private schools. Methods: Study conducted in Uberlândia, MG, with fifth-grade students from three private and six public schools, selected by stratified cluster sampling. We collected data on food consumption using the 24-hour recall. Foods were classified into four groups (G) according to extent and purpose of processing: fresh/minimally processed foods (G1) culinary ingredients (G2), processed foods (G3), and ultra-processed foods (G4). Total energy intake (kcal) of each group, amount of sugar (g), sodium (mg), and fiber (g) were quantified and compared according to administrative affiliation (private or public). Results: Percentage of total energy intake was: G1 - 52%; G2 - 12%; G3 - 5%; e G4 - 31%. Energy intake from G1 (53 vs. 47%), G2 (12 vs. 9%), and G3 (6.0 vs. 0.1%), and amount of sodium (3,293 vs. 2,724 mg) and fiber (23 vs. 18 g) were higher among students from public schools. Energy intake from G4 (36 vs. 28%) and amount of sugar (20 vs. 14%) were higher among students from private schools. The consumption of foods from G1 in the school environment was higher among students from public schools (40 vs. 9%). Conclusions: Foods from G1 represent the highest percentage of total energy intake, while those from G4 constitute a third of calories consumed. Processed juice, sandwich cookie, processed cake, and breakfast cereals are more frequent among private school students; snacks and juice powder are more common for students from public schools.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar e analisar o consumo de alimentos minimamente processados e ultraprocessados entre escolares das redes pública e privada. Métodos: Estudo realizado em Uberlândia, MG, com escolares do quinto ano do ensino fundamental em nove escolas (três privadas e seis públicas), selecionados por amostragem estratificada por conglomerado. O consumo alimentar foi analisado utilizando recordatório de 24 horas. Os alimentos foram classificados segundo extensão e propósito do seu processamento em quatro grupos (G): alimentos in natura/minimamente processados (G1), ingredientes culinários (G2), alimentos processados (G3) e ultraprocessados (G4). Os valores energéticos totais (kcal) provenientes de cada grupo, quantidade de açúcar (g), sódio (mg) e fibras (g) foram quantificados e comparados segundo dependência administrativa. Resultados: O consumo de energia foi: G1, 52%; G2, 12%; G3, 5%; e G4, 31%. Os valores energéticos provenientes de G1 (53 vs. 47%), G2 (12 vs. 9%) e G3 (6,0 vs. 0,1%), a quantidade de sódio (3.293 vs. 2.724 mg) e a de fibras (23 vs. 18 g) foram superiores em escolares da rede pública. O valor percentual energético do G4 (36 vs. 28%) e a quantidade de açúcar (20 vs. 14%) foram superiores em escolares da rede privada. O consumo do G1 na escola foi superior nos escolares da rede pública (40 vs. 9%). Conclusões: Alimentos do G1 representam o maior percentual do valor energético total e do G4, um terço das calorias ingeridas. Suco pronto, biscoito recheado, bolo industrializado, cereais matinais são mais frequentes em escolares da rede privada e salgadinhos e suco em pó nos da rede pública.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Energy Intake , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Feeding Behavior/classification , Fast Foods , Raw Foods , Schools/classification , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Students/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Diet Surveys , Nutritive Value
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 65(3): 410-418, Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003046


SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: There is a worldwide increase in the number of invasive aesthetic procedures, and there is a general apprehension in medical societies towards the assurance of patient safety, that is dependent on the quality and certification of providers, of the materials and substances used, and where they take place. It is the main objective of this study to determine the perception of the gravity of non-authorized substances for clinical use in invasive aesthetic procedures among Portuguese plastic surgeons and its variation by the clinical sector of practice. METHODS: We proceeded to an inquiry by using a questionnaire, measured in a Linkert scale, and the collected data were statistically treated with a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: We obtained a 41,4% answer rate and a global perception that this is a serious problem - a median of 8,00 and mean of 7,45 points on a 1 to 10 scale. 70% of the plastic surgeons that answered the questionnaire work both in the private and public sector, 19% exclusively in the public sector and 11% only in private practice. The perception of the problem was most serious among those that work exclusively in the private sector (statistically significant difference). CONCLUSION: The causes of the observed difference may reside in various reasons: the higher number of patients submitted to invasive aesthetic procedures exclusively in private practice; the higher perception of regulatory deficits in the private sector; scarce specific health politics for procedures outside the traditional boundaries of medicine; the difficulty for independent regulatory agencies to adopt effective measures.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: Os procedimentos estéticos invasivos estão a aumentar globalmente, e são acompanhados por uma apreensão das sociedades médicas sobre a segurança desses procedimentos, dependentes da qualidade e certificação dos prestadores, dos dispositivos e substâncias utilizados e do local onde são efetuados. O presente estudo procura aferir a percepção dos cirurgiões plásticos portugueses sobre a gravidade da utilização de substâncias não autorizadas para uso clínico em procedimentos estéticos, e a sua variação consoante o setor em que exercem a atividade clínica. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado um inquérito sob a forma de questionário, medido numa escala de Likert, e os dados foram tratados estatisticamente pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se uma taxa de resposta de 41,4% e a perceção global é a de que o problema é grave — mediana de 8,00 e média de 7,45 numa escala de 1 a 10. Setenta por cento dos cirurgiões plásticos que responderam ao inquérito trabalham num regime misto, 19% exclusivamente no setor público e 11% apenas no setor privado. A percepção do problema como mais grave (diferença estatisticamente significativa) foi observada na atividade exclusiva no setor privado. CONCLUSÕES: A diferença observada pode dever-se a vários fatores: à maior observação de pacientes submetidos a esses procedimentos exclusivamente no setor privado; à maior percepção de déficits de regulação no setor privado; ao déficit de políticas de saúde específicas a técnicas utilizadas fora do contexto tradicional da medicina; à dificuldade de as agências administrativas reguladoras independentes adotarem práticas efetivas no setor privado da saúde.

Humans , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Substandard Drugs/adverse effects , Portugal , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/statistics & numerical data , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/legislation & jurisprudence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Statistics, Nonparametric , Plastic Surgery Procedures/instrumentation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Government Regulation , Medical Device Legislation
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(3): 1223-1232, mar. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-989580


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adequação do cuidado pré-natal no Brasil associado a determinantes sociodemográficos. A pesquisa consistiu em uma análise dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde realizada no Brasil em 2013. Foram avaliados dois desfechos sobre a adequação do pré-natal, o índice de Kessner modificado por Takeda que, além de levar em consideração esse índice, avaliou se houve aferição da pressão arterial e do peso em todas as consultas, realização de algum exame de sangue e urina e ultrassom. Ambos indicadores de qualidade foram avaliados para o Brasil e também pelas macrorregiões do país. De acordo com o desfecho 1, 80,6% das mulheres realizaram o pré-natal adequado. Ao adicionarmos a realização de exames (Desfecho 2) o percentual foi 71,4%. O pré-natal adequado foi mais frequente entre as mulheres de cor branca e que realizaram o pré-natal na rede privada. A região norte apresentou as menores frequências de pré-natal adequado, enquanto a região sudeste as maiores. Apesar da ampla cobertura, o pré-natal no Brasil ainda apresenta iniquidades e baixa qualidade no atendimento, especialmente entre mulheres das regiões mais pobre do país.

Abstract This study aimed to assess the adequacy of prenatal care in Brazil associated with sociodemographic determinants. The study included a data analysis from the National Health Research performed in Brazil in 2013. Two outcomes on the adequacy of prenatal care were assessed: the Kessner index modified by Takeda index that, in addition to the former, assessed whether blood pressure and weight were measured in all appointments, as well as the performance of blood and urine tests and ultrasound. Both quality indicators were assessed for Brazil and for its macro-regions. According to Outcome 1, 80.6% of women received adequate prenatal care. When adding the performance of tests (Outcome 2), the rate dropped to 71.4%. Adequate prenatal care was more frequent among white women who performed prenatal care in the private health sector. The northern region had the lowest rate of adequate prenatal care, while the southeast region showed the highest rates. Despite the extensive coverage, prenatal care in Brazil still presents inequities and low service quality, especially for women from the poorest regions of the country.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Prenatal Care/standards , Quality of Health Care , Healthcare Disparities/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Poverty Areas , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data
Medwave ; 19(1): e7576, 2019.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-980823


INTRODUCCIÓN: La Sociedad Europea de Medicina de Cuidados Intensivos recomienda la presencia de un Kinesiólogo con formación especializada, disponible cada cinco camas de alta complejidad, los 7 días de la semana en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). En Chile se desconoce la adherencia de las UCI adulto a esta recomendación. OBJETIVO: Describir las características administrativas y de cobertura kinésica en las UCI adulto chilenas, y de acuerdo con la adherencia a las recomendaciones internacionales, informar a los tomadores de decisión en salud. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional transversal, basado en encuesta telefónica. Se incluyeron las UCI adultos de establecimientos de mayor complejidad, clínicas privadas y centros asociados a universidades (n = 74). La proporción de instituciones con disponibilidad de kinesiólogos las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana (kinesiólogo 24/7), con un número máximo de cinco pacientes por kinesiólogo y presencia de un kinesiólogo especialista fueron reportados. RESULTADOS: La tasa de respuesta fue del 86,5% (n = 64), principalmente públicas (59%) y de nivel III (83%). El 70% (n = 45) de las UCI adulto chilenas cuentan con kinesiólogo 24/7; correspondiendo el 87% al sector público y el 46% al privado. El 41% de los centros posee un máximo de 5 pacientes por kinesiólogo en día hábil diurno, disminuyendo en fines de semana y horarios nocturnos. Un 23% de las UCIs cuenta con kinesiólogo especialista en intensivo, siendo mayor en el sector privado (31%). CONCLUSIONES: En UCI adulto chilenas, la disponibilidad de kinesiólogos 24/7 es alta, y la prevalencia de especialistas es baja. Estrategias de creación de programas de formación de especialidad podrían contribuir a disminuir la brecha de especialistas.

INTRODUCTION: The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine recommends the presence of a specialist physiotherapist, available every five beds, seven days a week in the high complexity Intensive Care Unit. However, in Chile the adherence of adult Intensive Care Units to this recommendation is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To describe the organizational characteristics and the physiotherapist availability in adult Intensive Care Units in Chile, and according to the adherence to international recommendations, inform health decision-makers. METHODS: Observational study based on a telephone survey. All adult Intensive Care Units institutions of high complexity, private hospitals and teaching health centers in Chile were eligible (n = 74). The primary outcome measures were the proportion of institutions with physiotherapist availability 24 hours a day and seven days a week (24/7 physiotherapist), a maximum caseload per physiotherapist of five patients and the presence of a specialist physiotherapist. RESULTS: Response rate was 86.5%, with 59% of responding units being public and 83% offering level III care. 70% of the adult Intensive Care Units in Chile have 24/7 physiotherapist (87% of the public and 46% of the private sector). 41% of the centers had a maximum caseload per physiotherapist of five patients during the day on weekdays. This number decreased on weekends and during night shifts. 23% of the Intensive Care Units had a specialist physiotherapist, being more common in the private sector (31%). CONCLUSIONS: In Chilean adult ICU, 24/7 physiotherapist availability is high, the prevalence of physiotherapists with specialist training is low. Future efforts should focus on promoting the uptake of specialist training.

Humans , Adult , Physical Therapy Modalities/organization & administration , Physical Therapists/organization & administration , Intensive Care Units/organization & administration , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Health Care Surveys
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(1): 107-113, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-991380


ABSTRACT Background: VERAS survey multicenter project, carried out in 2011-2012, evaluated the quality of life (QoL) of students from 22 Brazilian medical schools. Aim: To evaluate QoL of undergraduate medical students, taking Veras-q national data as comparison. Material and Methods: We evaluated the QoL of 197 medical students in a Brazilian private medical school at Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in 2014. Students in the first two years were grouped in Phase I; those in years three and four were grouped in Phase II. Those in the internship (fifth and sixth years) were grouped in Phase III. Results: Students from Phase I group had better QoL averages than those from Phase II. Phase I students presented significantly (p < 0.05) better scores in the Psychological and Use of Time domains. Compared to Phase II students, those in Phase III obtained better scores in the Physical and Environmental domains. Female students had significantly lower (p < 0.01) scores than male students in Physical, Psychological and Use of Time domains. Compared to the national sample survey, these students had higher (p < 0.01) scores in all domains, except for the Physical domain in Phase II (p < 0.4352). Conclusions: These students had a better quality of life than those surveyed in the national Veras-q study. Female students had lower scores. Adjusted schedules and lower work overload, as consequences of effective interdisciplinarity in curricular components, may have contributed to higher students' QoL.

Antecedentes: El proyecto multicéntrico VERAS evaluó la calidad de vida de estudiantes de medicina en los años 2011-2012. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de vida de un grupo de estudiantes de medicina y compararla con los datos del proyecto VERAS. Material y Métodos: Se evaluó calidad de vida en 197 estudiantes de medicina de universidades privadas de Salvador, Bahía, Brasil en 2014. Los estudiantes de los dos primeros años fueron agrupados en la fase I, aquellos de tercer y cuarto año en fase II y los del internado en fase III. Resultados: Los estudiantes en fase I tuvieron mejor calidad de vida que aquellos en fase II. Los estudiantes en fase I tuvieron mejores puntajes en los dominios psicológico y uso del tiempo. Los estudiantes en fase III tuvieron mejores puntajes en los dominios físico y ambiental que los estudiantes en fase II. Las mujeres obtuvieron menores puntajes en los dominios físico, psicológico y uso del tiempo, que los hombres. Al comparar con el estudio nacional, estos estudiantes tuvieron mejores puntajes en todos los dominios, excepto el físico en estudiantes en fase II. Conclusiones: Estos estudiantes tuvieron mejor calidad de vida que sus pares estudiados previamente. Las mujeres tuvieron puntajes más bajos que los hombres. Una menor carga de trabajo, como consecuencia de un currículo multidisciplinario, puede haber influido en esta mejor calidad de vida.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Quality of Life/psychology , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Students, Medical , Brazil , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , Statistics, Nonparametric , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/statistics & numerical data
An. bras. dermatol ; 93(4): 507-512, July-Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949925


Abstract: Background: Cutaneous melanoma accounts for up to 80% of deaths caused by skin cancer. Diagnostic suspicion and access to medical care and early intervention in suspected cases is vital to the patient's prognosis. Objectives: To compare demographic and histopathological characteristics of primary cutaneous melanoma diagnosed in the public healthcare system (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) and the private system in Joinville, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study analyzed primary cutaneous melanoma cases recorded from 2003 to 2014 in the resident population of Joinville. Ethical approval was obtained from the local Research Ethics Committee. Results: 893 cases of primary cutaneous melanoma were identified. Patients in the private system were mostly younger, while there were more elderly patients in the public healthcare system (p <0.001). There was no statistically significant association between type of care (public/private) and gender or presence of multiple primary cutaneous melanomas. Histological diagnosis of superficial spreading melanoma was more common in patients treated in private healthcare, while nodular melanoma was more frequent in patients in the public healthcare system (p <0.001). Mean Breslow depth in patients treated in private healthcare was 1.35mm, compared to 2.72mm in the public system (p <0.001). Study limitations: This was a retrospective study using secondary databases. Conclusions: thin cutaneous melanoma (in situ cutaneous melanoma and Breslow T1) showed the strongest association with the private healthcare system, while thick cutaneous melanoma was more frequent in the public system (Breslow category T3 and T4) (p <0.001).

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Melanoma/diagnosis , Prognosis , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/therapy , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Melanoma/pathology , Melanoma/therapy , Melanoma/epidemiology , Neoplasm Staging
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(8): 2763-2770, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-952728


Resumo Dados alarmantes vêm surgindo por parte das operadoras de saúde sobre o aumento da sinistralidade e seu potencial risco. Estudo descritivo, com o objetivo de compreender as mudanças ocorridas no setor de saúde suplementar nos últimos anos, através da análise temporal de séries históricas relacionadas ao setor. As variáveis escolhidas para este trabalho foram a sinistralidade, a taxa de cobertura e o quantitativo de operadoras em atividade, observadas de 2003 a 2014. O método utilizado para a avaliação da tendência temporal foi a Regressão Linear. A sinistralidade e a taxa de cobertura apresentaram uma tendência de crescimento no período, enquanto a quantidade de operadoras no Brasil apresentou uma tendência de decrescimento no mesmo período. Esses resultados apontam que, mesmo com o aumento da demanda, houve uma diminuição do número de operadoras em atividade no país. A sinistralidade é uma das possíveis causas de observarmos essa relação inversa, pois o seu aumento oferece riscos à sobrevida e à abertura de novas operadoras. Ademais, a diminuição do número de operadoras está conduzindo o país a uma oligopolização do setor com uma demanda crescente do número de beneficiários. Essa diminuição pode estar também associada aos processos regulatórios que normatizam a relação do setor com o beneficiário.

Abstract Alarming data on the part of health care providers on the increase of the claim rate and its potential risk has emerged. It is a descriptive study, with the objective of understanding the changes in the healthcare provider sector in recent years, using the temporal analysis of historical series related to the sector. The variables selected for this study were the claim rate, the coverage rate, and the number of private healthcare providers in activity, observed from 2003 to 2014. The method used for evaluation of the temporal trend was Linear Regression. The claim rate and the coverage rate show an upward trend in the period, while the number of operators in Brazil showed a decreasing trend during the same period. These results show that even with the increase in demand, there was a decrease in the number of operators active in the country. The claim rate is one of the possible causes observed this inverse relationship because the increased offers risks of survival and the opening of new operators. Moreover, the decrease in the number of providers, is leading the country to an oligopolistic industry with an increasing demand in the number of beneficiaries. This decrease is also associated with regulatory processes, which regulates the sector's relationship with the beneficiary.

Humans , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Health Care Sector/statistics & numerical data , Delivery of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Linear Models , Health Personnel/trends , Private Sector/trends , Health Care Sector/trends , Delivery of Health Care/trends
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-903475


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the utilization of basic health units according to coverage by discount card or private health insurance. METHODS Household survey in the area covered by Family Health Strategy in Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from December 2007 to February 2008, with persons of all age groups. The frequency of (medical or non-medical) healthcare seeking at the basic health units in the last six months and the prevalence of basic health unit utilization for the last medical consultation (in case it had been performed up to six months before, for a non-routine reason) were analyzed by Poisson regression adjusted for the sampling design. RESULTS Of the 1,423 persons, 75.6% had no discount card or private health insurance. The average frequency of (medical or non-medical) healthcare seeking was 1.6 times in six months (95%CI 1.3-2.0); this frequency was 55.8% lower (p < 0.001) among privately insured persons compared to those with no discount card or private health insurance. Among the last medical consultations, 35.8% (95%CI 25.4-47.7) had been performed at the basic health units; this prevalence was 36.4% lower (p = 0.003) among persons covered by discount card and 87.7% lower (p = 0.007) among privately insured persons compared to those without both coverages. CONCLUSIONS Private health insurance and, to a lesser degree, discount card coverage, are related to lower utilization of basic health units. This can be used to size the population under the accountability of each Family Health Strategy team, to the extent that community health workers are able to differentiate discount card from PHI during family registration.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Descrever a utilização de unidades básicas de saúde conforme a cobertura por cartão de desconto e plano de saúde. MÉTODOS Inquérito domiciliar na área de abrangência da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Pelotas, RS, entre dezembro de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008, incluindo pessoas de todas as faixas etárias. A frequência de busca por atendimento (médico ou não) nas unidades básicas de saúde nos últimos seis meses e a prevalência do uso das unidades básicas de saúde para a última consulta médica (caso esta tivesse sido realizada até seis meses atrás, e tivesse tido um motivo que não rotina) foram analisadas por regressão de Poisson ajustada para o delineamento amostral. RESULTADOS Das 1.423 pessoas, 75,6% não estavam cobertas por cartão de desconto ou plano de saúde. A frequência média da busca por atendimento (médico ou não) foi de 1,6 vezes em seis meses (IC95% 1,3-2,0); essa frequência foi 55,8% menor (p < 0,001) entre as pessoas cobertas por plano de saúde em comparação às pessoas sem cartão de desconto ou plano de saúde. Dentre as últimas consultas médicas, 35,8% (IC95% 25,4-47,7) tinham sido realizadas nas unidades básicas de saúde; essa prevalência foi 36,4% menor (p = 0,003) entre as pessoas cobertas por cartão de desconto e 87,7% menor (p = 0,007) entre as pessoas cobertas por plano de saúde em comparação às pessoas com ambas as coberturas. CONCLUSÕES A cobertura por plano de saúde e, em menor grau, a cobertura por cartão de desconto associam-se a uma menor utilização das unidades básicas de saúde. Isso pode ser utilizado para dimensionar a população sob a responsabilidade de cada equipe de Estratégia Saúde da Família, na medida em que os agentes comunitários de saúde sejam capazes de diferenciar cartão de desconto e plano de saúde durante o cadastramento das famílias.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Family Health/statistics & numerical data , Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Insurance, Health/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Health Expenditures , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Racial Groups , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Needs and Demand , Middle Aged
Clinics ; 73: e438, 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974925


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence of overweight and obesity in school children and adolescents in a medium-sized Brazilian city. METHODS: In total, 1,125 children and adolescents between the ages of 5.6 and 18 years from public and private schools participated in the study. The sample included 681 girls and 444 boys. Each subject's weight and height were obtained according to Brazilian guidelines (SISVAN). The triceps (TSF), subscapular (SSF), biceps, suprailiac, femoral and calf skinfolds were measured in triplicate. Body mass index (BMI) was classified as the BMI percentile (BMIP) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2007 criteria. The percentage body fat (%BF) was obtained using the equations by Slaughter et al., 1998. Categorical variables were analyzed using the chi-squared test. RESULTS: Overall, 364 participants with excess weight were identified: 17.3% were overweight, and 15.0% were obese. Among the girls, 18.0% were overweight, and 12.5% were obese; among the boys, 15.3% were overweight, and 18.0% were obese. These prevalence rates were higher when the time spent watching TV or participating in media-related activities surpassed 5 hrs/day, when individuals belonged to a higher economic class and when the head of the family had a higher education level (≥12 years). CONCLUSION: It is important to emphasize the need to increase our understanding of factors associated with overweight and obesity, and it is essential to implement measures and policies aimed at reversing this trend, such as stimulating healthy eating habits and physical activity and reducing time spent watching TV and participating in other media activities, including video games and social networking.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Overweight/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Exercise , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Age Distribution , Overweight/etiology , Sedentary Behavior , Pediatric Obesity/etiology
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 80(6): 350-354, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888156


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare perceptions of the quality of ophthalmological services offered to outpatients from the public healthcare system to those from the private healthcare system, and to determine which measures are seen as necessary and a priority for improving the quality of care. Methods: This was a prospective observational study on 200 patients, 101 and 99 of whom were from the public and private healthcare systems, respectively. All patients underwent an ophthalmological examination at an ophthalmology hospital in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Personal interviews were conducted using two structured questionnaires adapted from the modified SERVQUAL scale. Results: Overall, patients from the private healthcare system were significantly more dissatisfied than those from the public healthcare system. In both systems, reliability was considered to be the most important determinant of quality, and it presented the highest level of dissatisfaction. Satisfaction with the public healthcare system was significantly greater than that with the private healthcare system in terms of the tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance determinants of the SERVQUAL scale. Conclusions: Institutions must plan, execute, evaluate, and monitor measures that seek to improve the overall patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided, particularly in the private healthcare system, and special attention must be paid to reliability in both healthcare systems. The identification and monitoring of the quality of healthcare services through the periodic use of the SERVQUAL scale may provide healthcare managers with information so that they can identify, plan, and monitor necessary and priority measures. This could be a key strategy for improving the quality of outpatient health services in the public and private systems.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a percepção da qualidade dos serviços oftalmológicos prestado aos pacientes ambulatoriais do sistema público com a do sistema privado e detectar quais ações são percebidas como necessárias e prioritárias para melhorar a qualidade do atendimento. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo observacional de 200 pacientes sendo 101 do sistema público de saúde e 99 do sistema privado submetidos a exame oftalmológico em Hospital Especializado em Oftalmologia (HEO) - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil. Realizaram-se entrevistas pessoais, mediante a aplicação de dois questionários estruturados adaptados da escala SERVQUAL modificada. Resultados: No geral, detectou-se que pacientes do sistema de saúde privado, estão significativamente mais insatisfeitos que aqueles do sistema público de saúde. Em ambos os sistemas a confiabilidade foi considerada o determinante de qualidade mais importante e o que apresentou o maior índice de insatisfação. No sistema público a satisfação foi significativamente superior à do sistema privado a nível dos determinantes da escala SERVQUAL: tangibilidade, confiabilidade, atendimento e segurança. Conclusões: A instituição deve planejar, executar, avaliar e monitorar ações que busquem melhorar a satisfação geral dos pacientes com a qualidade do serviço recebido, principalmente do sistema privado, com atenção especial à confiabilidade nos dois sistemas. A identificação e monitorização da qualidade dos serviços de saúde, empregando periodicamente a escala SERVQUAL, poderá fornecer informações à administração dos serviços de saúde para que possam detectar, planejar e monitorizar as ações necessárias e prioritárias, podendo funcionar como chave estratégica para o aprimoramento da qualidade dos serviços de saúde ambulatoriais públicos e privados.

Humans , Male , Female , Ophthalmology/standards , Quality of Health Care/standards , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Public Sector/standards , Private Sector/standards , Delivery of Health Care/standards , Ophthalmology/statistics & numerical data , Outpatients/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 63(4): 361-365, Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-842552


Summary Objective: To evaluate burnout syndrome in its three aspects, jointly as well as independently, in physiotherapists from the Extremadura region (Spain). Method: Analytic descriptive epidemiological transversal trial in primary care and institutional practice, with physiotherapists practicing in Extremadura who met the inclusion criteria, after having signed an informed consent form. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment were the outcomes measured. Results: Physiotherapists from Extremadura show a 65.23 point level of burnout syndrome, according to the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire. Therefore, they are positioned in the middle of the rating scale for the syndrome, and very near to the high level at starting score of 66 points. Conclusion: Physiotherapists in Extremadura present moderate scores for the three dimensions of burnout syndrome, namely, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional accomplishment. For this reason, they are in the moderate level of the syndrome and very near to the high level, which starts at a score of 66 points. No relation between burnout syndrome and age has been found in our study.

Humans , Burnout, Professional/epidemiology , Physical Therapists/psychology , Spain/epidemiology , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Burnout, Professional , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Workload , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Depersonalization/psychology , Depersonalization/epidemiology , Mental Fatigue/psychology , Mental Fatigue/epidemiology , Physical Therapists/statistics & numerical data
Rev. saúde pública ; 51: 54, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-845879


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Evaluate the level of access to physical rehabilitation for survivors of traffic accidents and the associated factors. METHODS A cross-sectional study performed in Natal, Northeastern Brazil, through a telephone survey of 155 victims of traffic accidents admitted to an emergency hospital between January and August of 2013, with a diagnosis of fracture, traumatic brain injury or amputation. Participants were identified in the database of the reference hospital for care of traffic accident victims. We calculated point estimates and confidence interval (95%CI) for the frequency of subjects who had access, in addition to multivariate analysis (logistic regression) between access (dependent variable) and sociodemographic, clinical, and assistance variables. RESULTS Among the 155 respondents, the majority were adolescents and adults between 15–29 years of age (47.7%), men (82.6%), education up to high school (92.3%), income of up to two minimum wages (78.0%) and bikers (75.5%). Although 85.8% of traffic accident survivors reported the need for physical rehabilitation, there was little access (51.6%; 95%CI 43.7–59.4) and a delay to start the physical rehabilitation (average = 67 days). We classified factors associated with access to physical rehabilitation as: (i) unmodifiable individuals in the short term – family income greater than two minimum wages (OR = 3.7), informal worker (OR = 0.11) or unemployed (OR = 0.15) and possession of a private health care plan (OR = 0.07); and (ii) assistance modifiable by service management – written referral for physical rehabilitation (OR = 27.5) and perceived need of physical rehabilitation (OR = 10). CONCLUSIONS This study found a low and slow access to physical rehabilitation for individuals potentially in need. The associated factors were the organizational processes of health care (health information and referral) and social determinants (income, occupation and private health care plan).

RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar o nível de acesso à reabilitação física para sobreviventes de acidentes de trânsito e seus fatores associados. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal realizado em Natal, Nordeste do Brasil, com inquérito telefônico a 155 vítimas de acidentes de trânsito atendidos no hospital de emergência, entre janeiro e agosto de 2013, com diagnóstico de fratura, traumatismo cranioencefálico ou amputação. Os participantes foram identificados no banco de dados do hospital referência para atendimentos de acidentes de trânsito. Calculou-se a estimativa pontual e o intervalo de confiança (IC95%) da porcentagem de acesso e tempo para acesso, além de análise multivariada (regressão logística) entre o acesso (variável dependente) e as variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e assistenciais. RESULTADOS Entre os 155 entrevistados, predominaram jovens e adultos de 15–29 anos (47,7%), sexo masculino (82,6%), escolaridade até o ensino médio (92,3%), renda de até dois salários mínimos (78,0%) e motociclistas (75,5%). Embora 85,8% dos sobreviventes de acidentes de trânsito tivessem relatado a necessidade de reabilitação física, houve baixo acesso geral (51,6%; IC95% 43,7–59,4) e demora para início da reabilitação física (média = 67 dias). Os fatores associados ao acesso à reabilitação física classificaram-se em: (i) individuais não modificáveis em curto prazo – renda familiar maior que dois salários mínimos (OR = 3,7), ser trabalhador informal (OR = 0,11) ou desempregado (OR = 0,15) e ter plano privado de saúde (OR = 0,07); e (ii) assistenciais modificáveis pela gestão do serviço – encaminhamento escrito para reabilitação física (OR = 27,5) e necessidade percebida de reabilitação física (OR = 10). CONCLUSÕES Este estudo encontrou um baixo e demorado acesso à reabilitação física para indivíduos potencialmente necessitados. Os fatores associados foram os processos organizativos dos cuidados em saúde (encaminhamento e informação em saúde) e os determinantes sociais (renda, ocupação e plano privado de saúde).

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Accidents, Traffic/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Physical Therapy Modalities/statistics & numerical data , Age Distribution , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Logistic Models , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Time Factors